

"Saijah remuk, dan dia kan sadar, yang tak diam dengannya hanya waktu" (Saijah, diambil dari judul karangan Max Havelar - Saijah dan Adinda)

Dengan langkah yang gagah berani seperti langkah orang yang besar cita-citanya , Saijah masuk ke rumah Adinda , dan kepada Adinda ia menceritakan rencananya.

-"Bayangkan , " katanya , "Jika aku kembali , kita sudah cukup umur untuk kawin , dan kita akan memiliki dua ekor kerbau ! "
-"Baik sekali , Saijah . Aku ingin kawin dengan kau jika kau telah kembali . Aku akan memintal , dan menenun sarung dan selendang , dan aku akan membatik , dan bekerja rajin sekali selama itu . "
-" O , aku percaya Adinda , tapi ... bagaimana jika aku kembali dan kau telah kawin ? "
-" Saijah , kau tahu bahwa aku tidak akan kawin dengan orang lain ; ayahku telah berjanji dengan ayahmu mengenai diriku . Dan kau sendiri . ? "
-" Aku akan kawin dengan kau , percayalah , bila aku pulang , aku akan berseru dari jauh . "
-" Siapa akan mendengarmu jika kami sedang menumbuk padi di desa ? "
-" Benar juga , ... tapi Adinda , ... O ya , aku mendapat pikiran yang lebih baik , ... tunggulah aku di hutan jati , di bawah ketapang di mana kau memberiku kembang melati . "
-" Tapi , Saijah , bagaimana aku tahu bila aku harus pergi menunggumu di bawah ketapang ? "
Saijah berfikir sejenak , lalu berkata :
-" Hitunglah jumlah bulan , aku akan pergi tiga kali dua belas bulan , ... bulan ini tidak terhitung ; ... lihat , Adinda , buatlah garis pada lesungmu pada tiap bulan baru . Sesudah cukup tiga kali dua belas garis , sehari sesudah itu aku akan datang dibawah ketapang ; ... berjanjilah bahwa kau akan menungguku disana . "

Saijah dan Adinda , 279-280 , XVII , Max Havelaar -
Multatuli , 1972 

Memaknai suatu lagu tidak perlu selusin kalimat tak arti, lebih indah secuil kata beribu makna :)


"Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see..."
— Super(wo)man, Five For Fighting


Memories has no limit

Memutar sebuah nada lama, nada dengan macam lirik lirih nan indah yang mengiring setiap langkah sebuah perjalanan elok diantara pohon-pohon rindang bersama bangunan tak bertingkat. Air laut biru muda menerpa pasir putih bertahta berlian memecah hembusan angin kencang merubah ramai menjadi hening sendu damai. Desir ombak pantai seakan bersahabat ditiap baitnya, dibawa hanyut kembali dalam rengkuh suasana tawa ketulusan tiada dusta. Membawa ke dalam nostalgia asa dalam cita. Lombok - Bali adalah bukan salah satu memori paling menawan dari setiap tanah yang diinjak, melainkan kota kelahiran ku sendiri dari sekian kota yang berderet manis di sisi jiwa, Jogja salah satunya. Atas dasar apapun juga, aku ingin pulang, titik. Menyapa manis matahari yang malu-malu menggeliat disetiap sudut pintu dan jendela. Berbinar pilu namun bahagia. Kalau waktu aku yang punya... Aku ingin mengenang tanpa mengulang. Selamat malam, Bandung! 

(Senja dikala mendung & rintik. Bandung, 30-11-2012)


(captured by:  my brother, on his trip)

How I step at sky, when all things going to be falling?


Satu kesalahan yang ingin saya tebus, karena siapa yang menanam dialah yang menuai hasilnya.


“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. 
 Audrey Hepburn

(Poem #619) Somewhere I Have Never Travelled

somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which I cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though I have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously) her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, I and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(I do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

—  e e cummings


Beyond the dream

“The human heart has hidden treasures, in secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.” Charlotte Brontë



B'cause life is never flat

This's about how I be a first person to walk around campus stand by self. Stupid actually first I saw one of my friend which is friends from MAPAK2012 were same wardship but I just let it her go not asking her. Go inside library and took an hours just asking any students "Kalian dosen walinya pak Djanuardi bukan?" my heart was broken when heard their statement saying that none of them have same wardship like me :"(( there's nothing I could do, a couple minutes has passed. Suddenly I met Dian and I asked her then she just answer "Lala tuh wali dosennya sama kayak lo.", Lala? she is the first person I've been looked before go up and down day a long? -________- spechless, can't say anything, you're a saver Dian huaaaa kiss kiss hugs hugss!! xx Finally I got a friend, it's more lmfao moments when discuss about that silly situation. Mr. Djanuardi were our wardship from being students law in padjajaran university 'till graduation come . We called him and asked his posisition, we came to faculty class in third floor. When we got the floor, its class filled any senior while doing their exam. It was awkward moments while came to the class and mr. Djanuardi said "Kalian maba yah?" with his Sundanese accent (it looks like we were younger many years with senior, ashamed!) x_____x


Miscommunication it has been started from me. Mr. Djanuardi asked to find mrs. Lina for take his wardship's papers in library. Okey I hearing that name was Lina, seriously. We were going to library, and wardship's paper wasn't there. Mrs. Eti had been told us to go back teacher's room, find her and it was clearly empty. We got confussed and go back to second floor (with a same place) by stairs (awkaay let's get exercise and find this holly papers at the same time, tsk.) =____= again, again and again and again within smile in her face (mrs. Eti) and just looking tired face from us. With the same answer, we choose to call our beloved wardship to asked for. Jeng-jeng-jeng~ he said—"Kamu ini gimana sih, niat kuliah ga? Bukan bu Lina tapi bu Nina PD I!"— it shocking me for that sweet morning ever xx, and I give a permission apologies to him, "maaf pak nanti saya segera kesana" T___T it's more like Dora The Explorer, just needed aku peta aku peta aku peta~ and it was like a never ending adventures to find that building. It was seem like tried to find another pieces O___O yeah we found PD I's room. Its room was second floor in second building. But, there's no one person, we asked to some senior and they didn't knew it. Oh meeeeen, it's going to be annoyed for sure. Lala has asked to someone and told us go find in auditorium which is that room was in fourth floor in library's building and it's such an aaaargggggh I can't explain what was feeelings that time :"""""""| 

The long day to be true, mr. Djanuardi reminds me someone special when senior high school, abah Ono (he teaching math when I was 10-11 grade). He talked everything, about his life, his wife, and his last task to catch his doctoral (me wish you best luck ever sir! ameeeeen). He had a humor sense, "Don't judge book by its cover!" he's a good person I thought (sorry sir I was thinking not good to you) :)

Well, this is the end of the story, get tired but it was much fun. I can imagine how huge campus is, now I can memorizes any room one by one. No more uptight, just keep it smile when meet lecturer, senior, or anyone in there. Let's get started with a new one, welcome home college's life and say goodbye to senior high's life xoxo



Jauh sebelum ufuk membenamkan cahayanya, biar aku yang terlelap. Gemercik rintik hujan menghujam jiwa, biar aku yang merasakan. Dingin panasnya dunia tak jadi masalah. Pada saat itu pula titik puncak keheningan kan datang menghampiri hati tak bertuan. Mengetuk pintu malu-malu, menguak tabir rahasia...


"Happiness is a journey, not a destination" — Anonymous
Dan ga akan pernah kecewa atas apa yang saya lalui kemarin. Semua pembelajaran memiliki artinya masing-masing. I so proud to be part of those, maba FH UNPAD 2012. Wish I could make all things beautiful ending :)


Buatlah hukum Indonesia seindah anak seni fsrd. Berarti bakat seni mu bukan di alas kertas putih, tapi alas mu Negara Indonesia ini. Lebih besar dari selembar kertas putih anak-anak fsrd.“
Speechless, kagum sama kalimatnya.


"..This here city
Has fall along with me once
Won't find no angels
Sell a map to the lost
This here place
Is too small for two
It took one to realize
When dreaming's this hard
It's not meant to come true.."

PGO's diary

Buku diary kenangan berempat (Aku, Yosi, Anin, Lila) temen kelas XI semester awal, tulisannya udah aku robekin. Kalau dipikir lagi, tulisan paling absurd sih sebenernya, semacam posting yang entarnya bakal di komen salah satu dari kami berempat. Isinya cuman kami berempat yang tau hahahahaha. Buku ini selalu dibawa tiap pelajaran, yang jelas anak kelas cowok penasaran sama buku ini. Di satu halamannya terselip tulisan lama, mungkin kelewat buat dirobek. Setelah dibaca, shock ga nyangka bisa nulis kayak gitu :) Karena kami sudah janji dan kebetulan semester ke-2 ada rolling class yang mengharuskan salah satu teman pindah kelas, buku ini gak dilanjutin. Akhirnya pun isinya aku robek dan buang dengan maksud "Kisah lama itu gak perlu diungkit lagi.." well as you know, segimanapun kamu berusaha menembus masa lalu mu, atau kata lainnya sesal dikemudian hari semua gak akan balik dengan sesuatu yang sama, kayak pengertian sejarah; unik, abadi, tidak bisa diubah. Senior hi's life was really really fabulous moments. Bersyukurlah yang udah jadi ex-ababil, karena masa-masa ini harus dilewatin. Serius! #krik


Another days

I like to consider myself as a person with a fair amount of happiness today, next day, and forever :) someday I'll have my own terarrium.


H2C (Harap-harap Cemas)

We wish the best for the future, we greatful for today, we rememmber for yesterday.
Kadang ragu itu ada, tapi disetiap impi, usaha, dan doa kita Tuhan tahu mana yang terbaik untuk saya :')) *H-18*


Something 'bout Senior High School Years

    I just can't stop to think about how beautiful time it's. I can live to learn anything while all impossibility is possible. The sickness become real, life were getting harder for now. Senior High School, you are the sweetest failure on the earth for sure. Afterwards some stories had been written under sky, I save on my heart, keep it ahead and moved on. then I called them, a memories. The adventure was waitin', ready or not they'll be part of mine. Nothing ever happens like in this place. Thank you Bontang to allowed me grown up there. Thanks Mamah & Abah to teach me how survive ahead. Thank you for all besties entrust me into your side of world then walk beside me forever and ever. As Iam, always be greatful & thankful to You, God :) We've knew tomorrow will come, time flies fast. I don't have any time to wondering how it comes. Just enjoy it whatever you get. Gonna miss those pieces of part; laugh, tears, anger, and some another-drama-queen which is teenage doing. Become a real woman is not easy like teenage's tought. Facing that time is scary but we could find its tucked happiness shown in any paths. Let's begin this war, meet me in another stories. Hello reality, please be pleasant to me :)

(Last day before final exam)

(We are family we are 3S1-2012)

(Priceless night, proms 31st VIDATARA)

“We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”
Marilyn Monroe
Never let your dreams destroy you . No matter how far you stride over, always to finish what you started. Otherwise, start it what you want to finished too :) I'm glad to found you guys, 3S1-2012. Godspeed, whatever you does!


How old are you?

Nonton video ini seakan merindukan masa-masa kecil lari-lari main keluar rumah mengenakan kaos kutang sambil ngejar dan mainin asap fogging, oh I miss that moment so bad. Ga kerasa tahun depan udah kepala 2 T-----T



Bandung, the city of thousand secrets beyond illusion.

Bontang, the city with a thousand memories behind secret.

I'm proud to be able live and created some stories there. Make your own too. Have fun :)

Lettering x Watercolor